Memorial Service for David L Tate, Sr.

On Friday, May 8, 2020, my dad and I were out on a bike ride. We were having a great time, enjoying the day and enjoying one another’s company, but the day ended in mourning: After a freak accident, my father died in my arms around 4:00pm. He died quickly, and thanks be to God I don’t think he ever even had the opportunity to realize what happened.

That being said, the past week has been a whirlwind. My father had always said that when he died, he wanted me to officiate his funeral; I had always assumed that I would have 20 more years to prepare, but as the Bible reminds us, we never know what tomorrow brings. On Thursday at 3:00pm, my best friend and I were enjoying a bike ride; an hour later, I held him in my arms, weeping over him, crying over him, singing over him; less than twenty-four hours later, I sat in a funeral home planning his funeral. Less than a week later, I stood before a crowd of hundreds of faithful friends and family who showed to pay respect to my father and celebrate his life.

Yet are we to grieve as those without hope? By no means. Our God is a gracious God. NOW LET’S BE HONEST…One of the most gracious things God ever did was give me a father as amazing as my own. If He chose to take my father away, I trust that ti was the same gracious love that motivated Him in His decision. Our God is a God worth trusting, and we have a living hope in Jesus Christ. I pray that you will take the time to watch the memorial service we held for my father: